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Where Three Rivers Meet-Passau

Hosted by the Consul of the Vienna Healthy Lifestyle Group
Event Cover Photo
Took place 2 months ago
Sat 03 Aug 08:30 - Sun 04 Aug 18:00

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Green, blue and black

The water from the Inn, which comes directly from the Alps, is green, the one from the Danube is blue and the water from the Ilz is black as it comes directly from a moorland.

*only ladies to join.
* we plan to stay overnight. Meaning from 3rd August to 4th August Protected content .
*we are looking for a hotel now, details will be given at the soonest.
*of course you could also do a one day trip.

Training leaving at Meidling Bahnhof at 08:50 arriving Passau Hbf at 11:31hr.

Vorteilscard: one way is €27.90+€3 seat reservation is recommanded for peak season travel.