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How Mediterranean Is This Japanese Cuisine?!

Hosted by the Consul of the Barcelona Spontaneous Barcelunching Group
Event Cover Photo
Took place 1 month ago
Fri 09 Aug 13:00 - 15:00

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Or how Japanese is this Mediterranean Cuisine?!

There's only one way to find out ... come and check it out!

Limites seats, so only register if you're sure ... and think about your fellow members who stay on the waiting list and can't enjoy the event if you don't cancel.

O cuan mediterránea es esta cocina japonesa?!
Solo hay una forma de descubrirlo ... tienes que probarla!

El número de asientos está limitado, con lo cual regístrate solo si estás seguro que vienes ... piensa en tus colegas de IN, que se quedan fuera si no cancelas.