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Priscilla, a Rainha Do Deserto

Hosted by the Consul of the São Paulo Chill Group
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Took place 2 months ago
Sun 14 Jul 20:00 - 22:00

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O musical é baseado no filme clássico de Protected content , do diretor Stephan Elliott, e conta a história de duas drag queens e uma mulher transexual que são contratadas para fazer um show em pleno deserto australiano. Para chegar até lá, elas vão a bordo do ônibus intitulado Priscilla, e encaram diversos desafios e aventuras durante a viagem até o destino final

This musical is based on the classic Protected content , by director Stephan Elliott, and tells the story of two drag queens and a transgender woman who are hired to perform a show in the middle of the Australian desert. To get there, they board a bus called Priscilla, and face various challenges and adventures during the journey to their final destination.

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