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Do You Know the Balboa Dance?

Hosted by the Consul of the Frankfurt Marburg, Giessen and Wetzlar Group
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Took place 2 months ago
Sun 20 Oct 11:30 - 13:00

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Personally I didn't. I just check regularly for events taking place In Marburg, Giessen or Wetzlar. I read that there is an offer for complete beginners in Marburg to discover that dance from the Protected content . From what I could read, we'll be able to learn the basic steps during that session and decide whether or not we would like to proceed further in the learning of that dance. You may bring your partner, but it is not necessary. After the course (it ends at 1pm), we could go together for lunch in the old town. Look at this video in order to get a rough idea about the dance...

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