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Live Concert -Tribute David Bowie (Soirées Estivales 06)

Hosted by the Consul of the Nice Fun and Leisure Group
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Took place 2 months ago
Wed 31 Jul 20:30 - 23:30

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Join me to appreciate and dance -in a live concert- on the rythms of a British singer, songwriter, and more than 40 years carrer, who was most prominent in the Protected content and best known for his "musical genre".

Come , listen, dance & enjoy
Free concert

Looking forward ....

------------------------------------------------------- Protected content

Dans le cadre des soirées estivales du 06, je te propose une soirée musicale de haut niveau , sur les rythmes de chansons d'un artiste mondialement connu avec ses 40 ans de carrière !

ZIGGY BAND - Tribute David BOWIE

Rejoins moi pour ce concert

Ambiance assurée
Au plaisir ...