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Let´s Visit Together: Carol Rama and Hans Haacke at the Schirn

Hosted by the Consul of the Frankfurt Countries and Cultures Group
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Took place 2 months ago
Thu 14 Nov 18:00 - 20:00

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Dear art lover,

again, the Frankfurt Schirn offers an interesting choice on exhibitions.

"CAROL RAMA. A REBEL OF MODERNITY - Inde­pen­dent of artistic schools and group­ings, the self-taught talent created over the course of 70 years an uncon­ven­tional and highly personal oeuvre. Rama’s work defies simple cate­go­riza­tion and is distin­guished by an enthu­si­astic delight in exper­i­men­ta­tion"

Hans Haake: "Keen crit­i­cism of insti­tu­tions, polit­ical aware­ness, and an uncom­pro­mising defense of demo­c­ratic prin­ci­ples to the point of activism all char­ac­terize his approach. His work is marked by direct­ness and theo­ret­ical clarity, and yet it is poetic, metaphor­ical, ecolog­ical, and in many respects highly topical at the same time. More than once his contro­ver­sial artistic contri­bu­tions to contem­po­rary discourse have been excluded from exhi­bi­tions. In a wide-ranging retro­spec­tive, the SCHIRN will be exam­ining Haacke’s influ­en­tial oeuvre from Protected content the present day. "

Looking forward to seeing you.