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Eureka! the Movie / Vamos Al Cine

Hosted by the Consul of the The Hague Talk Spanish Group
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Took place 2 months ago
Sat 20 Jul 19:30 - 23:30

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Vamos al cine otra vez. Eureka es una película muy original que recibió buenas críticas.
Esta es una buena alternativa ya que el tiempo lluvioso no da para organizar actividades veraniegas.
Como siempre, la idea es que cada uno compre su entrada. Para los que quieran, podemos quedar en Protected content a partir de las 19:00 para tomar /comer algo.

Let's go to the cinema again. Eureka is a very original film that received good reviews.
This is a good alternative since rainy weather does not allow for organizing summer activities.
As always, the idea is that everyone buys their ticket. For those who want, we can meet at Protected content from 19:00 to drink/eat something.