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Frukost Together - July 2024

Hosted by the Consul of the Malmoe Meet and Chat Group
Event Cover Photo
Took place 2 months ago
Thu 04 Jul 08:00 - 09:00

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Welcome to the Frukost Tradition!
This is a co-hosting event Fitness & Fun & Meet & Chat Malmö Groups.

What about joining one of the most traditional breakfasts in Malmö just after exercising together?

Come to our togetherness co-event.
Here is the link:
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Please sign in for the activity you would join. You can join one of the activities or both. :)

The 'Frukost' buffet is one of the best in Malmö. It costs 120SEK
If you don't eat that much, you can eat whatever you want, juice, coffee, a sandwich and pay just that. Gluten-free and vegetarian meal options are available.
