Looking for partners (Addis Ababa)
ME Consulting Engineers Ltd is an independent consultancy formed in Protected content UK specializing in the fields of road and railway drainage design, townmasterplanning, wate managemnet, hydrological and hydraulic modelling, catchment wide floodplain management, river and reservoir engineering, drainage and irrigation engineering, strategic and site specific flood risk assessment, water resources development and management.
ME Consulting services include training and capacity building which delivers the necessary skill enhancement programmes so that clients will be able to undertake their own studies and investigations in the future in drainage and sanitary design and water resource management issues. ME Consulting experts provide both the theory and practical skills for the use of hydrological and hydraulic modelling tools for solving real word problems.
Our clients are drawn from both the public and private sector and range from private individuals through to national and multinational corporations, International Aid Organizations as well as local and national governments. We are looking partners in Ethiopia to assist our newly opened branch in Addis Ababa