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Indian Vedic Astrology (Amsterdam)

* HAPPY NEW YEAR Protected content

* Few spots still available* - Dates: January Protected content

If you are interested to know about yourself / your personal development / any questions you might have on your future plans, ideas in your life, relationship etc this could be an opportunity to have some more insight.
An indian astrologist, will be visiting for the 3rd time Amsterdam and would be available to provide you with a private reading.
Rajiv Arora is very well known in Hungary/and of course India, you can find some youtube videos where he is giving a reading on one of the hungarian commercial channels. He is based in India but since he has an Ajurveda business in Budapest he often visits Europe. Last time he came to Amsterdam, and provided private readings to approx. 15 people within 2,5 days.
Rajiv is amazing and very knowledgable! He is following a mixture of Vedic Indian astrology and his learnings from his master teacher.
My mouth dropped open several times when he just came up with the most amazing information, nobody could ever guess during my reading.
It is worth to try, because he will give you something more than a general astrologist.
Costs: 1 hour = 60 euros
The price compared to Dutch standards is just ok, acceptable.
Location: Amsterdam Zuid (will be specified closer to the date and in private message for the participants)

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