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International Youth Exchange in Karasu (Istanbul), (Baku)

International Youth Exchange in Karasu (Istanbul), TURKEY

27 May–05 Iyun Protected content il tarixində Karasu, (İstanbuldan Protected content aralı) Türkiyədə beynəxalq dərəcəli layihə keçiriləcək.

Participants: Protected content 24 yaş)

Qeyd: 07 – 10 Apreltarixlərində 1 nəfər qrupu lideri kimi Hazırlıq Görüşündə iştirak edəcək

Venue: Karasu, Turkey

Partners: Azerbaijan, Turkey, Italy, Lithuania, Hungary, Croatia, Ukraine, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Aim: The overall aim of the youth exchange is to promote healthy and active way of life among young people. It will be built on non-formal education and consist experimential learning elements, cooperative techniques, outdoor activities, family visits, planting trees, sharing, exploring, organizing an exhibiton.
During the project participants will have the opportunity to learn more about drug addcition, risks, reasons leading drug using in the participant countries and they will hear about good practices to fight against it during the exchange. Participants will be able to use the knowledge they have gained on the first days and will attract attention to the importance of fighting against drug using via the drama performances in cultural heros’ costumes in public places and the morning exercises open to local people. They will also express their points of view by designing logos, posters and slogans.

Qarşılanacaq xərclər:

-- Treninq'də iştirak
-- Qalınacaq yer (otel)
-- Gündə 3 dəfə yemək
-- Şəhər gəzintisi
-- Səfər xərcləri üçün maximum Protected content ödəniləcək.

-- Treyninq ingilis dilində olacaq.

Tələblər :İngilisdili (minimum pre-intermediate)

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