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Biotech Venture Capital, November 18, 2014, Basel

In the last few years, biotechs and academia have been the prime sources of innovation in the pharmaceutical space. Appropriate funding - often granted by venture capitals (VC) or large pharma, is vital to fuel their innovation engine.

At the same time, VC receives thousands of funding requests every year - so how can one Biotech really differentiate from others? Which ideas are VCs willing to invest on? How do they make funding decisions?

The objective of this HBA event is to create a platform bringing together entrepreneurs from life science/biotech companies and representatives of venture capital funds to discuss the challenges and opportunities of fund raising, including perspectives on future scientific innovation areas, VCs portfolio management and decision-making approach, and how to shape successful interactions between a biotech and VC.

Valentina Sartori, associate principal, McKinsey and Company
David Karabelnik, CEO, Breslin
Christoph Esslinger, CEO, Memo Therapeutics
Marc Gitzinger, CEO, BioVersys
Markus Hosang, general partner, BioMedPartners

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