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Thought this info might help (Beijing)

Ok... I know this has been covered to death already on here, but every time a person asks where to by some supps, there are a ton of links that go up and it is all very subjective. So I thought I would do a little comparison of online bodybuilding supplement retailers in China. These are all retails that sell imported products... so no China brands.

I am basing this comparison on Optimum Nutrition's 100% Whey Gold Standard (5lbs)... which seems to be the fav around here (though I prefer Isoflex! ).

Note to admin: please don't ban me for posting a ton of links... I don't have the intention of spamming!

Protein for China - Protected content
Location: Not sure
Cost: ¥430.00
Shipping cost: Not sure
Shipping time: Protected content

Health Elements - Protected content
Location: Shenzhen
Cost: ¥450.00
Shipping cost: Starting at 15RMB
Shipping time: Protected content

BBA Supplements - Protected content
Location: Shanghai
Cost: Sale: ¥460.00 (¥620.00 Regular!!)
Shipping cost: Not Sure
Shipping time: Protected content

Fueled - Protected content
Location: Shenzhen
Cost: Sale:¥334.45 (¥369.45 Regular)
Shipping cost: Starting at 16RMB
Shipping time: Protected content

Elite Nutrition Center - Protected content
Location: Beijing
Cost: VIP price: ¥439.00 (¥799.00 Regular... WTF?!)
Shipping cost: not sure... free over ¥

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