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Transformation of the unconscious - Course (Bogotá)

"Transformation of the unconscious ¡Experience the heaven that is already inside you" sunday may 31 , 9 a.m. Protected content . (We will have 1.5 hour to lunch and two breaks of 15 minutes).
This is a course to dedicate a whole day to ourselves to work in our “inner word” emotions, thoughts, right hemisphere: creativity, imagination, intuition, empathy… we´re going to open the mind´s “basement” to clean it, maybe it has been closed for a long time, it is the “shadow” inside us; even though we will do it in peace, feeling comfortable, clarity and light. ¿What for to do this? To connect with the plenty, the “heaven state” that is already inside us and be able that it becoming permanent in our life; of course it will reflect in “additions” in the physical world (more fluidity and prosperity in all areas), because that is only the projection, the symbol of what we have inside, therefore what happen to us that is not pleasant comes from our own “shadow”, hiding in our unconscious mind and in the course we will “turn on the light” to disappear the shadow (cleaning the unconscious “trash” , the real source of our external blockades); besides, we will feel a lot of relaxation and releasing, even of chronic emotional states as anxiety or depression and in addition improvement in health problems, because our body is a symbol too (reflecting our inner, above all what is unconscious).

We will do many practices, it is a very concrete course and I put many tasks / practices ! to do after the course, during the daily life, always the information becomes with the experience to verify it and it´s not necessary to get suggestion about anything but only prove the information with the concrete results of its application. Protected content

Here you can see the detail of the course´s specific themes:

•¿How we create external situations?,¿People and similar experiences are repeated?
•Internalization / meditation practices to experience the “state of heaven” within us and from there, create / project wonderful situations and persons in any area of our life.
•Feel the guide of your “higher being”and learn to trust in that.
•Emotional alchemy: cleansing and transformation of our emotions.
•Cleaning the unconscious ¡ obstacles you put yourself ! without realizing.
•Family constellations/psychogenealogy through images(not by psychodrama):how family history influences our life.
•Feel the love, the strenght, the protection and the inner confidence that our mother earth gives to us, symbolising the divine aspect of take care of us, the permanent support, firm sustain, nutrition at all, solid structure, strong roots, unchangeables, reliables and firms that give to us the freeedom to detach us, realising what we don´t need .
•Experience, feel the connection with God, with others and with all: unity conscience and unconditional love.
•Remember who we really are, realizing that we have the freedom and power to materialize in any area of our life, experiences and wonderful people.

Facilitator: Jenny Soler
Lecturer and teacher in the fields of self-care, conflict /stress management, unconsciousness transformation, emotional alchemy, the experience of the heaven state that is already inside us, conscious creation, nutrition and organic cooking and feminine principle expression; personal and family counselor / therapist; author of three books (one with second international edition) about pedagogy, organic and cooking nutrition and holistic expression of the feminine principle; oriental dance instructor for women using art as a means of transformation to fully develop the feminine principle; professional astrologer; teacher (mathematics applied) and students couch in CESA (school of business in Bogotá).

Bsc: Industrial Engineer and Mathematician of Los Andes University.

Course Value: $170.000, includes: Course memories, .

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