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Please reply - just this once (Brussels)

VRT News wants to find out if expats/EU immigrants in Belgium are voting in the European election and why. We’d like you to answer at least one of the following questions!
A selection of your responses will be published on the VRT’s expat news sites, and
VRT News is the news service of the Flemish public broadcaster. We operate three foreign language news websites in German, English and French.
Please indicate whether you would like your response to be published with your full name, your first name or anonymously. If you prefer to remain anonymous, please indicate your home country.

1) Why are you voting in the European elections in May of this year? If you are not voting, please tell us why?

2) In which country are you voting in the European elections in May of this year (home country or here in Belgium) and why did you decide to vote there? (Why are you voting in Belgium or why not in Belgium?) / What motivated you to vote in Belgium?

3) Why are you or why are you not voting for Belgian candidates in the upcoming European Elections?

4) Are you in favour of less or more Europe? Why do you think the member states should give more powers to the European Union or why should some powers be returned to the home governments?

5) Do you feel that you have heard enough about the European elections from media and the candidates?

6) How did the registration procedure go? Was it easy?

Thank you so much for answering....Please reply to Protected content until 28/04/2014

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