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Chamber of Commerce and Industry Bucharest RO

Stimati colegi,

Am placerea sa va invit sa deveniti membri ai Camerei de Comert si Industrie a Muncipiului Bucuresti, cu prioritate pana la 30 septembrie Protected content . O scurta prezentare a aspectelor legate de statutul de membru CCIB sunt prezentate in documentul de mai jos.

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Sistemul cameral ofera credibilitate si autoritate sporite membrilor sai, atat operatorilor economici romani, cat si operatorilor economici din alte state.
Colaborarea operatorilor economici in coordonarea CCIB vizeaza piata unica europeana si pietele regionale prin valorificarea protocoalelor si acordurilor incheiate cu camerele de comert, industrie, navigatie, agricultura si manufacturiere din diverse tari. Prin contributia CCIB, companiile care au sediul social sau o filiala in Bucuresti, precum si titularii de profesii liberale inregistrati in Bucuresti, care opereaza in tara si in strainatate, au o prezenta imbunantatita in procesele legislativ si guvernamental din Romania.
Apreciez foarte mult reactia dumneavoastra pozitiva la acest mesaj si va sunt recunoscator pentru diseminarea acestei informatii cu privire la activitatea Camerei de Comert si Industrie a Municpiului Bucuresti. Protected content

Cu stima,

Dan Oprea
Membru al Camerei de Comert si Industrie a Municipiului Bucuresti

Dear colleagues,

I have the pleasure to invite you to become members of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the City of Bucharest, recommendable till 30 September Protected content . You can find a brief insight related to CCIB membership by visiting Protected content .
The chamber system provides higher credibility and authority to its members whether home or abroad companies or self employed.
Within the coordination of CCIB the registered members value protocols and agreements signed with chambers of commerce, industry, shipping, agriculture and manufacturing from various states. By their contribution to CCIB activity, companies and self employed members registered in Bucharest, operating in Romania, within the European Internal Market and on regional markets benefit of an improved representation in local legislative and governmental processes.
I appreciate your positive attitude towards my message and I am grateful for your contribution in spreading this news.

Best regards,
Dan Oprea
Member of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the City of Bucharest

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