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Jobs in Cairo

Hi, im a 25 year old Irish woman who is going to be moving to Cairo in the next couple of months. My boyfriend has been working in Alexandria for the last year & is currently in Jordan untill January when he will be transferred back to Cairo. I intend to go over then but I'm hoping to have some employment before i go over. Can anyone advise where is the best place for me to look for some? We will be living somewhere in 6th of October City.

I have 9 years experience working in pharmacy but from what ive looked at there doesnt seem to be anything like that on offer. I was thinking of applying to the shops in the malls, as i have so much retail experience, Protected content in all), but i'm unsure as to wether they'll employ me as i have no Arabic as of yet. (It is sometheing that i do intend to learn as i will be living in Cairo for at least two years). Can anybody tell me if i would be wasting my time doing this?

I am willing to learn anything new so if anybody does no of anything, please let me no.

Also i was thinking of doing the TEFL course but couldnt seem to find a lot on offer for this qualification alone, am i right in thinking this or is there something i havent stumbled accross yet?

Thanks for any help,

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