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Beakerhead - Art, ingeneering and science (Calgary)

Another interesting event you may wish to check out this weekend:

Not organising a group event, but if you have time, check out one or all of the numerous installations and events that are part of the Beakerhead - unique annual exhibition of art, engineering ans science. Sep Protected content . Most installations are along 1st Street SW from 14th Avenue SW to Stephen Ave. More details:

Time: All Day Event / Location: Multiple Venues in the City - check out for details
September 14, Protected content

Beakerhead is the world's most amazing convergence of art, science and engineering! A festival of massive proportions that encourages everyone to imagine, and build!

From art bikes and mechanical sculptures, to buildings that become musical instruments - Beakerhead is a hands-on citywide spectacle that celebrates Calgary's greatest strengths: ingenuity and culture!

Programs and events include:
- Mechanical Sculpture Gardens
- Art Bikes and Art Cars (and workshops to make your own!)
- International Innovation Competitions
- Speakerhead (citywide presentation series)
- Electric performances
...and more!


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