New to Campinas as of June 2013! General info req
Hi All
Many thanks for taking the time to read my post. I am hoping some of you may be of assistance with some general information.
I am relocating to Campinas to be with my brazilian partner as of June Protected content . I am a Brit currently living in Australia.
My knowledge of Brazil is fairly basic save 2 trips in recent times.
here are my list of questions, sorry its long but if you can shed some light on just one area I would be most grateful!!
1) Cheapest way to learn Portugese - I speak fluent Spanish so I am hoping this will expedite things - I don't have time pressures to find work so I can take 6 months or so to learn and can even exchange English in return - all ideas welcomes!
2) How to do the mundane things like open bank accounts, best ways of transfering money from abroad for the best exchange rates - recommendations of mobile plans that support heavy data usage for Skype etc
3) Any wisdom you could impart that you wish you knew before arriving!
4) I love sport and would like to join a mixed soccer team and I train in boxing for fitness if anyone knows of a good gym that would be great!
5) Safety - I am aware that the freedoms i am used to having in Europe/Australia may not necessairily be the same but at the same time I don't want to be overly paranoid thinking something bad could happen all the time - can you please give me your perspective on the safety situation and crime - walking at noght alone etc, bad areas of Campinas maybe
6) Anything else you can think of!!!
Thanks in advance :)