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Expats Eindhoven Leisure Survey

Dear Expats,

I'd love to get some information to make Expat's life in Region Eindhoven a bit better.

I am a student at the Fontys Hogescholen for Marketing Management where I study Commercial Economics Leisure Management. At this point we're doing a project to create a concept for high-educated foreign employees or students who work, live and/or study in the region of Eindhoven(also known as Expats).

To get more information on what this concept should be, we need your opinion. We've created a survey in which we try to get a view on how Expats spend and expierence their spare time off in Eindhoven. Besides that we try to see what Expats would like to see in the region.
The survey consists of 15 questions.
I'd like to invite all Expats to fill in the survey on the following link:
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To make the concept as good as possible, we'd love to get as much respons as possible. Therefore we would be very gratefull if you could share the survey's link to fellow expats!

Both our projectgroup as myself thank you for your coöperation!

Yours Sincerely,

Pascal Hertogs
Student Fontys Marketing Management

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