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Charity Ball - Hotel Intercontinental - 2nd April (Geneva)

Charity Gala Ball on 2nd April at the Intercontinental Hotel organized by Treasure ( Protected content ), a Swiss registered charity, whose members work as volunteers. The organization has no salaries, or fees to pay to its members, so every cent raised on April 2nd will go for the renovation and further development of education venues for primary schools of Pomgaon, Shiravali and Maripur in Maharashtra, India. Part of the funds raised that evening will also be donated to the Association François–Xavier Bagnoud (FXB International), founded by Albina du Boisrouvray, for handicapped children in the French speaking part of Switzerland. The event will include champagne cocktail, dinner by a reputed chef, live singer and DJ as well as other entertainment. If interested, check Protected content

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