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Easter / Passover..? (Gothenburg)


What are your plans for the coming holidays? Any cool traditions in your country?

We intend to follow our hearts and flee the cool North to find warmer temperatures down south. This time in Vienna. That's what I do for Easter these days…

But I've already bought chocolate bunnies (Lindth of course) for the boys at the office and I fondly recall the egg courses we built as kids in Switzerland to test the endurance of the egg shells. We'd roll them done the course and the kid whose egg 'won' i.e. didn't break won. No prize, just the honor of having the "best" egg in the village. LOL Eventually we'd eat it anyway, but that's a different story…

What's yours? Do you celebrate Easter? Passover? Zoroastrian New Year? A Spring Festival? Anything else? I'd love for you to share your story…

Happy Easter (et al.)

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