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Guadalajara Community!!! Ideas, suggestions,...???

Our last InterNations Guadalajara event together with the Mexpat group on Thursday, 19th of august at 1Romano and 2Ladrondes was quite a nice gathering. Allthough we were fewer people than at the last events. This time 55 Mexpat and InterNations members joined the event. Maybe it was because of the holidays, or it was to soon after our last gathering... I just noticed that we were fewer people this time.
So I suggest to wait for the next event until end of september or beginnig of october and hope to see all of you then! So that we do not interfer with the "bicentenario parties" or "fiestas del octubre".... to reune as many InterNations members and Mexpats as possible!
What do you think about the last events? What do you think about having joint-events together with the Mexpat group? I am open for any suggestions!
Also I want to ask if there is any hobby-photographer in our group who would like to take some pictures at the next event and upload them here at the forum?
I am sorry for beeing a bad photographer: before I always forgot to bring my camera, this time I brought my camera but then forgot to take pictures ; Protected content apologize for that! And maybe there`s someone else in our group who is more enthusiamic about taking pictures and upload them on the forum at the next event?
Have a nice and successfull week!

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