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Heart Strings Recital Jan 15 2016~ Zinfinity (Hong Kong)

Limited Strings, boundless music!
Zinfinity was founded by two passionate GuZheng virtuosos to illustrate the infinite musical possibilities of the GuZheng (古箏), the Chinese zither. They present contemporary and traditional music, creating a dialog between East and West.
In the 'Heart Strings' recital, Zinifinity will present four Hong Kong premieres, all outstanding compositions from the 14th Independent Music Award: 'Heart Lake' is serene and elegant. 'Dance of Mystery’ is a more exotic tune. 'Beauty's Fragrance’ evokes delicate nobility. 'Blue Moon’ is romantic and lyrical.
In addition to these contemporary pieces, Zinfinity will present two classic GuZheng pieces to honour and promote the venerable heritage of the instrument: 《寒鴉戲水》”Jackdaws Frolicking over Water", and 《臨安遺恨》"The Eternal Sorrow of Lin’an”. While the performers take turns to perform these solo recitals, the next piece, 《春江花月夜》“Spring Blossoms on a Moonlit River” is a duet including a reading of the poem, for an effective combination of music and literature.
For the next segment, Zinfinity collaborates with young Erhu virtuoso Reeve Cheung forming the group “Three Streams” to present 《島》“The Island”, an modern arrangement of a Taiwanese folk song, and, as another Hong Kong premiere, 《新編漁舟唱晚》, the “New Fisherman’s Song at Eventide”. Finally, Zinfinity will be joined by young pianist Du XiaoMeng and internationally active percussionist De Kai in performing 《太陽之翼》"Wings of the sun”, highlighting the aesthetic of the 新疆 Xinjiang region.
Zinfinity aims to stimulate a wonderful dialog between ancient and modern, to discover new and unknown territories while honouring the tradition of the GuZheng, spanning millennia. We wish to embark on a gorgeous journey through time and space, with and for our audience.
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