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Hong Kong Open Platform Irish dancing Feis

ancing ’ will be hosting the very first Open Platform Irish Dancing feis in Hong Kong and Asia on 9th June Protected content .

A feis (pronounced “fesh” – plural: feiseanna, pr. “feshenna”) is an Irish Dancing competition. In Ireland it was a natural, historical evolution: the “travelling dance masters” (dance teachers travelling from town to town) would meet up at village fairs and would hold competitions , much to the enjoyment of the audiences. So for the Irish, competing with dance is truly an expression of their history and culture. What is great is that in Hong Kong it is not just the Irish who now get to enjoy this unique art form but a vast multi-cultural mix of children and adults!

I would love you all to support and join this fun day and bring along your friends and family!

The day will conclude with the awards presentation and a mini Ceili

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