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Looking for Traineeship (Kathmandu)

Author: Kiran Khadgi and Francisco Zorrilla
To: MCC staff and partner organizations
Date: 1st of July Protected content

1) Intake and Assessment of the trainee
The offer of a Traineeship placement for a trainee will be determined by the probability that he will be able to successfully complete the whole of the period of the placement. His motivation to enroll and complete the placement will be the main predictor of his success. Motivation will be assessed by:
a.) The consistency of his personal development plan or, otherwise, the appropriateness of his current wishes to enroll in a particular traineeship placement.
b.) His progress at the coaching stage of the Mountain Child Care personal leadership program.
c) The trainee’s talent and his skills for a particular traineeship placement.
d) A further assessment interview with the Social Development Specialist responsible for the Traineeship Stage.

2) Assessment Interview
Prior to the assessment interview, the Social Development Specialist of the trainee person at the coaching stage will discuss the Personnel Development Plan and the trainee‘s progress during the coaching stage. This discussion will inform the focus of the interview which also will assess the trainee’s ability to settle in the traineeship placement and adjust to the challenges of the working environment including his capability to tolerate authority, co-operate with others, and be flexible with changing patterns and dynamics. The youngster should demonstrate understanding that the traineeship placement is also for the benefit of the providing organization and as such readiness to wait for the future benefits of his traineeship including an actual remuneration for his work.
Should the assessment outcome be that the youngster requires further training prior to the offer of a traineeship placement, Mountain child care would liaise with other organization to identify potential sources of further training. If the trainee was to be assessed to lack of sufficient motivation, he or she would in the first instance return to the coaching stage of the MCC program.

3) Identification of traineeship placements
At present, while Mountain Child Care establishes a network of companies and organizations providers of traineeship placements, the identification of placement for the traineeship will be tailored to the specific talent and skill of the youngster assessed to be ready for a traineeship.
Mountain Child Care will always aim to approach sustainable organizations likely to have high professional standards and larger working networks which will enhance the trainee’s skills and his prospects of securing a job in the future.
The providing organizations will be expected to appoint a supervisor of the trainee and to cover the trainee’s travelling expenses and his meals during duty time.

4) Support and guidance during traineeship

4.1) The traineeship organization will identify a supervisor who will overview the progress of the trainee and ensure that he or she is placed in a learning environment and that there is someone available in the organization who the trainee could approach for guidance and support.

4.2) Similarly, Mountain Child Care will name a Social Development Specialist to monitor and support to trainee throughout the placement and to serve as liaison between the traineeship organization and the trainee.

4.3) The supervisor at the placement and the Social Development Specialist from Mountain Child Care will meet prior to the start of the traineeship to discuss the strengths and potential difficulties with the trainee. This discussion will also include the trainee.

4.4) Two further meetings midway and the end of the placement will be arranged in order to monitor the trainee’s progress and to change the traineeship if necessary and possible.

4.5) During the placement and apart the three meetings as mentioned above, both the supervisor at work and the Social Development Specialist from MCC should be proactive in contacting each other for feedback of the trainee’s progress.

4.6) The trainee should also be encouraged and be motivated to approach either his supervisor or the Social Development Specialist for support and guidance at any time during the duration of his traineeship.

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