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Make Lima COP20 Function

Please support my Avaaz Petition to make the Charter of Compassion the starting point for the Lima (COP20) Climate Change Conference

This week, we embark on the 20th Conference of the Parties on Climate Change: 20 years of talk! – without any real change in the disasterous direction we are taking the World economy. We need to change the way negotiators habitually approach the subject. The Avaaz, petition urges the organizers (UN) to invoke explicitly and continuously the Charter for Compassion as a more positive baseline for negotiation than we have had so far.

Please sign the petition on
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and promote this initiative amongst your own contacts, by e-mail, Twitter and Facebook.

Ultimately this depends less on the UN organizers than on the attitudes of the national delegations. So I urge you to lobby your local representatives and head of government, to instruct your country's delegation to think out of the box and apply the "Golden Rule" to their negotiating positions.

To know more about "the Golden Rule", Karen Armstrong's TED talk is illuminating ( Protected content ) .

The issue is urgent because the Conference starts now and only lasts 10 days … and because the World can only take so much abuse from us.

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