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Expatriate Organization Survey (Los Angeles)


I am currently a graduate student at Norwich University studying for my MA in Diplomacy, concentrated in International Commerce. As such, I am doing a research study specifically aimed at the management of expatriates overseas. If any of you would be willing to answer the 11 survey questions below based on your own experiences as an expatriate or as a Manager who has had employees on foreign assignment I would be ever grateful.

Thank You in Advance,

Organizational Challenges
Faced by Expatriates & International Managers
1. In what countries and capacities have you spent time overseas?

2. On those trips were you sent by a corporate employer or on military assignment?

3. What is the general length of your deployment or post overseas?

Recalling your longest deployment experiences please answer the questions below.

4. When on extended business assignments overseas who do you typically report to?

5. Using what primary means of communication do you use to keep in touch with your functional department or organization back home?

6. Briefly outline your organizational structure below, identify physical locations and any direct/indirect management.

7. What is the greatest organizational or support challenge you have faced while on assignment?

8. Do you have the support and supplies required to effectively perform your job duties while on assignment?

9. How much diversity and/or cross-cultural training did you receive prior to being deployed?

10. How did your management handle the challenge of managing overseas? Mention any specific skills or strategies used.

11. Are there any suggestions or advice you would give your organization or manager in how they can more successfully support and train staff for international posts?

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