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English Fight Club (Moscow)

Looking for opportunities to practice speaking English in an exciting new format?
Do you want to meet your colleagues, experts or maybe your customers?
Are you interested in networking, debates and making new friends?

Then you are invited to participate in the Business Networking Club meetup - English Fight Club.

Debate Topic: Advertising - Manipulation or help to make a better choice?

"Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don’t need." (Fight Club, Protected content

Does advertising help or harm us? Does advertising influence our lives and behavior? What are the benefits and negative effects of advertising? Do we really need all those things we buy? What is your point of view?

Let’s discuss together!

19: Protected content Welcome drinks and interchange of views.
20: Protected content Debates, results and small gifts for winners.
21: Protected content Free time, Dinner, Networking and Socializing.

The Rules of English Fight Club:

1st RULE: You tell about English FIGHT CLUB.
2nd RULE: You tell EVERYONE about English FIGHT CLUB.
3rd RULE: All fights are in English only.
4th RULE: Destroy arguments, not people. Be professional and constructive.
5th RULE: Relax and have fun!
6th RULE: Talk and Listen.
7th RULE: Fights will go on as long as they have to.
8th RULE: If this is your first night at English FIGHT CLUB, you HAVE to fight.

You can easily sign up here Protected content

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Do you want to pay less?
Share this event in social networks and pay Protected content or come with your friend and pay Protected content .

Welcome drinks are included. Dinner is optional and it’s on your charge.

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