Bank Comissions on International Wires (New York)
I was wondering if anybody had experience on international wires. Particularly, I am interested in the comission that banks charge...
There are two types of comission:
1. For the wire itself... i.e. to send the money. It's normally a flat rate or fix amount. Not very significant.
2. For the currency exchange... let's say buying USD from Euros. This comission is a percentage and it may become a very significant amount of money.
I am mostly worried about the second comission or currency exchange comission. My research on two Spanish banks (BBVA and La Caixa) shows that, to purchase USD from EUROS, they charge you 0.65 % and 0.5 % of comission... Does anybody know if this is as good as it gets? Or did you guys enjoy lower rates?
Thanks a lot!