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German language playgroup for my 2y old son (Oslo)

Hey everyone,

Für Deutsch siehe ganz unten!

Not sure if this is the right place to ask this but I'll give it a shot. I have a 2 year old son who I talk German to (Girlfriend is Norwegian) and unfortunatly he is picking up Norwegian quicker than German. :-) Which I guess is understandable with Kindergarden and all...

Anyway, I was wondering if there are some people here with children where one of the parents is also speaking German to them/him/her, as I think it would be great to meet up once in a while to imerse them a bit more into the language and also have other kids around them who speak the same language.

Not sure if this exists already, but if you know an already existing group or somebody who does this already or you would be willing to meet up, let me know!!

Thanks a lot,

PS: We live in Oslo city centre.

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I suche nach einer Spielerunde (Für Nachmittags oder am Wochenende) für meinen 2jährigen Sohn mit dem Ich deutsch spreche, wenn jemand was weiss oder jemanden kennt oder sich gerne treffen würde, Ich bin dankbar für alles! :-)
Danke und Gruss,

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