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TravelGrapes - travelling through the grapevine (Paris)


As some of you might know, Travelgrapes seeds are being planted as we speak...
Of course the desire to create a travel site started with a vision... which will make sense only if it works for you.

Did you know that on average a person visits 18 sites before traveling?
TripAdvisor on its end offers no less than 45Million reviews...
These numbers discourage me before I even get started, hence my preference to turn to friends.
I have had the best experiences internationally thanks to friends' addresses.
From there was born the idea of Travelgrapes - travel through the grapevine.

Since you hold the answers to your travel needs,
If you would take 3 minutes to complete the 10 question survey using the link below, it would help us fine-tune our services.

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