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Anyone coming to the Prague wine fest?

Hi Internation-als!

I am organizing an event for friends and new friends to enjoy the wine fest at Jířiho z Poděbrad square.

Vinohrady Vintage is a celebration where the star is Burčák, fresh young wine served at the beginning of the wine harvesting. Really the good stuff!

Last year a nice group came together, and wine just kept flowing! You know how it goes with these fairs in Prague, right?

Afterwards, the plan is to continue the party at a club. If you are an expat new to Prague or a traveler, you might like to see this very Czech tradition full swing.

This is a 2-day event, and I will be going this Friday, Sept 14 at 6:00 PM. The meeting point is at the corner of Jířiho z Poděbrad, right outside the line A metro station. There might be a chance we also get some free wine!

So. Who's in? Let me know so I can put a group together.

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