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Recently moved to RJ & seeking to make new friends (Rio de Janeiro)


Ola a todos! Last month, I moved to RJ indefinitely and now live in Copacabana by Post 5. My boyfriend, who is American/Brazilian, relocated for work and asked me to join so I decided to follow my heart and, well, hi!

A little more about me:
Born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts
Lived along the East Coast in Boston, New York City, and the District of Columbia
American lawyer (specializing in Corporate Law, Finance, and Tax)
Loves to eat and explore

Other than job hunting and studying Portuguese, I try to roam the city as much as possible. Thus far, I am loving everything about this Cidade Maravilhosa, but am often eager for company and conversation. I would love to meet new people and chat over a coffee.

I am also looking to start yoga in the Copa area and think it would be nice to have a companion. Does anyone do yoga at Equipe 1 on Nossa Senhora de Copacabana?

PS. I would welcome any restaurant/food recommendations!

Muito obrigada e ate breve,

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