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Kick Off 21th of March !! PUB QUIZ is coming up ! (Skopje)

We are finally kicking off for Pub Quiz, 21th of March, for the details:
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Hello Everyone !

It's been a long while that I wanted to organize pub quiz in Skopje. I used to live in Istanbul for about three years before I moved in Skopje and pub quiz was quite popular. So I do not see any reason not to make it here as well.

There are some questions must be answered before we set up .
1- What is Pub Quiz ?
A: There is a very detailed answer in Wikipedia :
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For the people who don't have time to read or lazy to read :-) Let me explain you very short. A pub quiz is a quiz held in a pub. I hear what you are grumbling now, Right. Thanks for the insight.:-)

So basically ,it’s a general knowledge quiz held in a pub, bar or whatsoever. The attendees form teams and are asked the questions split into rounds. At the end of each round the questions are marked and a score is given to each team. After all the questions have been asked the team with the most points wins. In the case of a draw a tiebreaker question is used.

2- The Fee and the Prizes

The winning team usually gets some money or free drinks and so on . Depending on the participant numbers the runner up can have free drinks or foods or money also.
Since everything has cost I am planning to set a price for each attendee is Protected content .

3- How about categories ?
A:General Knowledge can cover everything from history to music to geography to sport to everything in between. Since we live in a beautiful country there will be category about Macedonia as well :-) They are designed to be not too difficult since non of us is Einstein , not even close :-) but hard enough to generate debate! For that case I would love to have your help, ideas questions also.

4-How about the rules?

Not really, the idea is to have fun. The only cardinal rule – and this applies to all pub quizzes everywhere – is that no googling (or use of any other internet search engine) is allowed! Teams of up to 4 people are allowed and it’s a good idea not to shout the answer out too loud if you know it – you don’t want to help out the opposition! So no cheating, no fighting only having fun! In any dispute, the Quizmaster’s(usually presenter) decision is final

5- Venue Time etc?

A: Pub quizzes are a gold mine for slower weeknights that otherwise wouldn’t drive high revenues. Therefore Tuesday is usually great day for those pubs to make a bit more revenue. A place which is in my mind is Public Room since the location , parking spots availability, nice snacks and reasonable price also. Soon I will talk to manager of the place and make a final decision. But the place is open for debate , all the advises are very welcome.. Tuesday 19:30 sounds a decent time for most of us I guess. It takes roughly 2 hours

So I want to see the raised hands. Who is in ? Is it stupid idea to make our Tuesday a bit more joyful with trivial game. How many other opportunities do you get to show off your encyclopedic knowledge of Protected content synth-pop over a few pints, or a chance to impress your friends by remembering that the capital of Papua New Guinea ?

More people more fun! Spread the word around !

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