*TO COME! Hash House Harriers Group in Skopje*
Hello everybody,
my name is Thomas from the German Embassy and this letter is dedicated to all Hash House Harriers or the ones who wanted to be.
I'm intending to rebuild the hash group in Skopje since I know that a hash group called the Skopje hash house harriers once existed in Skopje. For this purpose I created a group on facebook with the very simple name "skopje hash house harriers".
So every hasher who wants to hash again is invited to join this group or can contact me directly. Everybody who is just interested or wants to know more about hash can also write me directly. I hope we can find a lot of people who wants to join and and bring to life the hash in skopje.
Until now there is no run planed until I dont get a few people together. But a hash hole, a meeting in a pub, is planed so we can meet and discuss our hash group.
I hope i was able to attract your attention and hope that former hashers will reactivate themselves and join Skopje hash.
Please feel free to contact me over " Protected content or at facebook at the "skopje hash house harriers".
king regards or how the hasher says
Thomas Krüger