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Le Seven Club, Wednesday, 18 January (Strasbourg)

Our dear friend Anna has kindly invited all of the Strasbourg Internations community and beyond to the Seven Club next Wednesday, 18 January. Make sure to be there and enjoy the evening. It is good warming up in these chilly days just days before our regular monthly get-together scheduled for Saturday, 21 January. There is no limit this time, everyone is invited.

See the details of the event below:

LE SEVEN CLUB présent :
Le Mercredi 18 janvier Protected content
Soirée spéciale :
Diplomate Session Kamasutra
A partir de 23 H
1 shooter de vodka ou tequila offert
GO-GO (soubrette)
Les derniers tubes du moment
Entrée libre pour tous
25 rue des Tonneliers Protected content (parking PLACE GUTENBERG 24/24)
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