The Hague relocation - some questions
Hi there,
My girlfriend and I are relocating from Dublin, Ireland to the Hague early October. I'd like to ask some questions if I may!
1. We are relocating without jobs and will be searching for roles once in country. Thoughts on difficulty? We are english speaking (British, Irish) and will be looking to learn Dutch (I studied it years ago so have very basic understanding). I work in IT (Project Manager) and she is a professional PA to senior management. We have many years of experience (myself 16 years + in the industry, and her Protected content +)
2. We will be renting for 6 months - but this is obviously without having immediate roles. Is this feasible? Will Dutch agencies entertain this? We have money to cover rent / living etc, we are a professional couple who won't be looking for any government assistance in any way. We own property in the UK etc. so essentially are a "safe pair of hands" so to speak.
4. Do we need health insurance? Answer is yes I'm pretty sure. Rough cost per person?
4. What's the cost of a local pint? :) (Heineken, craft beer) Any decent stout on draft over there?
Many thanks in advance for those who even look at this thread. We would certainly be willing to meet up while over there for a night out and repay any generosity with a few pints. We are pretty good craic.
Cheers all.