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Permesso di Soggiorno Difficulties (Venice)

Hello out there - I don't know anyone yet as I've only recently arrived in Venice with my elective residence visa. I was informed I had eight working days to obtain my Permesso di Soggiorno.

I have been trying for the last three days to get this done, however, it has proved to be quite a challenge!

Today was my last day to complete my submission, but I have been unable to do so despite spending five hours on Monday looking for a place I later found out had closed (Dosoduro Protected content Spiezer), which was listed as where I should go on the website I was given to find the local office.

A very nice woman at the Venice Regional office took pity on me when I could not find the office and made some calls for me, and I was sent to the P.le Roma post office. After waiting in there for an hour to have my number called, they had no forms . They sent me to the Rialto post office where I was handed a packet of forms and instructions, all in Italian. My Italian is pretty limited at this point, so it was beyond me to understand the instructions or the forms on my own.

Undaunted, I went home and found English instructions online. I filled out most of it, but had three questions I needed answered to fill it out completely. One question is about module 2, which seems to be for people who are working here - but I am retired and not allowed to work here anyway, so I wasn't sure what to do with that form. I also needed to make photocopies of my visa which I didn't know about before, so I got that done, and assembled all the same paperwork I submitted to the consulate in Los Angeles to get my visa, which apparently I need to submit again.

Today I went back to the post office at Rialto to ask about my three questions to finish up the forms. They told me I needed to go to the office that assisted with immigration located iat Campo S. Maria Formosa. I finally found that office but they were closed. I rang the bell anyway, and was directed to go to Mestre!! By this time it was too late in the day to head there without really knowing where I was supposed to go or how to get there.

Apparently I also need some kind of Marca da Bollo stamp to put on the application, but I have no idea where to get it and no one was able to tell me.

It looks like the immigration office has morning hours tomorrow so I plan to head back there again first thing in the morning, but if anyone else has been through this process and has any clues for me, I'd be most appreciative.

Also, does anyone know if I'm going to be in big trouble for being past my date to submit, and what I should do about that?



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