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Africa: So powerful yet ever so vulnerable

How is it even conceivable that a nation rich with natural resources and wealth; is plagued with endless farce, misfortunes, humanitarian nightmares and disease.
Who can we blame? Who can we seek an explanation from? Is this the aftermath of colonialism? I don’t know the answers to the question which plague me. But the current crisis in Zimbabwe has sent chills up my spine. An outbreak of Cholera??? Thousands of people affected by this nuisance of a disease? And a government in denial. Will Zimbabwe become the new Somalia? I don’t know? But what I do know is this absolutely madness. We the world outside of Africa sit and watch as a nation in clear need dwindles away. I don’t even know what can be done, how can we help, or is it even possible that to turn unified and revitalized this once powerful continent? I only know my heart bleeds and my mind is in constant agony for the people of Zimbabwe, Somalia and the millions of displaced refugees.
If you care about the people of this beautiful land, please share/respond with any suggestions, knowledge or ideas in which you might have.
With endless love,

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