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Climate Alteration: What We Should Do About it.


Five years ago, this thread was formed to answer the questions ¨What can we do, what are you doing, and what is the plan in your community to mitigate climate alteration? ¨ The problems are here now; people are dying, and crops are beginning to fail. How can we influence adaptation to extreme weather patterns? Can we avoid wars, famine, disease, and social collapse?
Themes to discuss; post-pandemic, transition protocols, impacts on personal privacy, democratic methods, the fascist ideas behind The Great Reset, and the fourth industrial revolution. We now add censorship – how do we discuss solutions to our problems if ideas are silenced?
I encourage all to look back at the posts from several years ago. It is very clear that the world has changed. It is also very clear how the narrative has been and continues to be manipulated.
I provide source material for your investigation and research as I record extreme weather and climate-related news. Please share here additional resources and information from your region.
Thank you all who have supported this thread.

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