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Craving to write...

Craving to write….
Protected content Mathur

Craving to write my heart out, I want to write about anything and everything that crosses my mind.

I want to write about the people that I know and the ones that I do not know. I want to write about their looks, their behaviour, their styles and their attitudes.

I want to write about the society, its transforming nature and its changing value systems. I want to write about good and bad things. I want to write about things that seem atrocious, foolish and downright stupid, but tend to excite me.

I want to write about new ideas - things that may sound crazy, rebellious, absurd, impractical but those that I believe could radically change the world.

I want to write about the beautiful things that life has to offer, amazing experiences that can fill the life with excitement and exhilaration but often those which are far – far by distance, far outside pockets, far from the reach of those very people who love them and aspire to get them.

I want to write about fulfilment of dreams – some things that I want desperately, I'm praying for and trying to get , hoping that they will manifest, while watching many others around (with lesser positive thoughts , lesser strengths in their belief systems and blessed with lesser talents and qualifications than me ) already having them and enjoying, while I’m still waiting.

I want to write about how life has been giving frequent opportunities to do good, but not many opportunities to feel good. I want to feel good by doing things and living in ways that make me feel happy and satisfied.

I want to write about those dark, dirty, hidden secrets that anyone may feel ashamed of revealing. I want to write about those selfish, ego centric thoughts that often inundate the mind.

I want to write about abstract things that have been burdening my mind for years - how would we ever know that the colour that I see and call as ‘red’ is exactly the same ‘Red’ that my friend sees for the same object. Could it not be that we have always seen different colours for the same object, but out of our upbringing, we have both been calling it the same colour – ‘Red.

I want to write about unexplained experiences - why sometimes upon seeing certain strangers, I suddenly get a feeling of being inside their bodies and the subsequent fear on realization of having to live in those strangers’ bodies, thinking their thoughts and performing their deeds.

I want to write about the frequent instances of Déjà vu that keep happening, almost like quarterly meetings – having seen that same scene happen earlier as well, with the same unknown or known people speaking out the same words while doing the same acts at the same places.

I want to write about the eternal knowledge, unconditional love, selfless dedication and the abundance or lack of it in today’s world. I want to write how common sense can actually be made common, without anyone sensing deprivation from it.

I want to write about being active and lazy at the same time. I want to share how an active mind and a lazy body can still be a great combination.

I want to write about something- something that needs to be written for the eager reader. I want to write about Nothing, and how nothing can actually be something for someone.

I just want to pick up my pen and write ….

Please feel free to comment or criticize. Your thoughts, suggestions and valuable inputs are most welcome.I can also be reached on Protected content

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