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Europe: new constitution, new ideas

Tired of those Brussels bureaucrats, but in want of both national pride and true federalism?... How about this: scrap the Commission, create a New Government and locate ministries permanently across each member country, while we get to choose EU ministers only according to skills, not to what unelected politicians tell us. Here's my idea: Paris gets EU Presidency and Foreign Ministry, Berlin gets an empowered EU Parliament, Prag the seat of Prime Ministry, Vienna a strong EU Senate and London a super finance ministry cum ECB, EFSA and right to rename that awful Euro the "Pound". Rome would seat a Supreme Court where the President would be "anointed" by Congress, plus a permanent Culture ministry. But that wouldn't be it: Interior would go to Madrid, Agriculture to Warsaw.
Want the whole list?....
Sea=Lisbon, Regional Integration=Dublin, Trade=Amsterdam, Defense=Brussels, Justice=Copenhagen, Labour=Stockholm, Research=Helsinki, Communications=Tallinn, Tourism=Riga, Construction=Vilnius, Emergency Situations=Bratislava, Transport=Budapest, Energy=Ljubjana, Minority Rights=Bucarest, Consumption=Sofia, Education/Sports=Athens, Mining=Nicosia, Office of Statistics=Luxembourg and Office of Refugees=La Valetta. Ha!
What do global minds have to say about this?... Have fun doing your own allocation!

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