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Island Monkeys . . . in unknown kountries ?

Isolated Members . . . of society ?

Instant Message . . . addicts ?

Sent some birthday wishes to a long-term acquaintance through means of facebook these days and then . . . yeah, then wondered why I hadn't seen them on my

InterNations Messages . . . birthday reminder ?

I checked to find out . . . no such member exists on IN. And I was sure I was the culprit who invited them back in Protected content . . . so off I went to ask them about it . . .

Here's the conversation:

awi: Great, I wonder why you deleted your profile on ?

IM: Thank you I never saw any point in internations

Where's focus of societies nowadays, I wonder ?

Everybody befriends everybody on facebook without knowing each other . . . contact messages come in as if there was no other day to get introduced properly ?

Kick & rush . . . where's the money . . . blatant advertisement . . . easy lovin' . . .

Where's the point in InterNations ? In society ?

Oh, don't forget about the roses tomorrow . . . Protected content

Love, Peace & Poetry :-)

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