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Let's organize for expats' political rights

Some countries allow double nationalities, others don't (no luck, Austrians).
Some countries allow their expats to vote by mail in their home countries' national elections, others don't (no luck, Irish people).
A few brave countries allow expat residents to vote in their municipal elections (go, Colombia!).
And no country allows their citizens to elect their global government (UN etc.).

Hey! We're all on this one small planet together. We InterNations members are cosmopolitan world citizens. Isn't it time we organize to fight for our political rights as expats?

Expats from the same country, wherever you live, unite for your right to dual nationality and to vote in your home country's elections!

Expats from anywhere living in the same country, unite for your right to vote in your town's elections!

All expats, unite in support of the Campaign for a UN Parliamentary Assembly!

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