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Nomad love in a nomad world?

Dear expats,

you gave up more or less by free will your home towns left your families for to work on an usually timely limited assignment in another country. Most of you might do such change of posts and cities in a regular way, every couple of years and might see this as part of your lifestyle. I would be interested to know about the effect on private life, how does it feel then to leave partners behind, meet new partners again and again like on an endless carussel? What is the stability in your life, do you completely cut off roots? Is that good and joyful or bad and sad? What do you think? Will this life style be a general rule for future generations? What are the benefits of a nomad life and what are the disadvantages?

From a critical perspective one might argue that the singularisation of people facilitates their exploitation. Exploitation can only be countered by solidarity thats a fact. If all nomads stay isolated due to their (glamourous?) life style, can they then be more easily misused as cheap labour? What role does social networking have today and might have in the future?

I would appreciate very much your valuable input out of your life experience.

Wolfgang from Munich

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