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Portugal - Golden Visa & Tax


Dear all,

As a former expat I understand that tax, legal and immigration issues are complex to plan upon the arrival on a new country with different laws and costumes. Please find below the main tax and legal features in force in Portugal regarding expats:

Employees, self-employed individuals
Portuguese source employment and self-employment income may be taxed at a 20% flat tax rate if the income is related to specific activities:

•Architects, designers and doctors;
•Entertainers, performers and other artists;
•IT technicians and engineers;
•Liberal professions and consultants;
•Senior executives and investors.

Non habitual residents may benefit from a full tax exemption in Portugal and in the State of source, regarding foreign pension.

Golden visa
Third State citizens involved in an investment activity, either individually or through a company, may apply for a Golden Visa, provided one of the following criteria is met:

•Capital transfer with a value equal to or above 1.000.000 Euros;

•Creation of, at least, 10 job positions;

•Acquisition of real estate with a market value exceeding 500.000 Euros.

Any questions, please email me at Protected content



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