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Professional Women's International Friendship Club



" I have never met a single woman, from any region of the world, who, despite being from a different culture, didn't share similar feelings of happiness, sadness, triumphs, defeats, love, sex discrimination, responsibility of family, glory and struggles to uphold the dignity of a woman just as we all do. It is the bond, the glue that keeps us united, despite the borders and distinctions so often constructed to create divide. There seems to be a delicate invisible silk thread that attaches each of us to the other by virtue of all that we encounter in our daily lives as women, married or single, although the challenges of our married counterparts are in many ways, although similar in some aspects, somewhat different to the challenges of single professional women."; all creating great exchange in conversations.


We have now created a "Members Only Club" for Professional Women' across the globe. The purpose of the Club is to provide an environment for women with a sincere desire to establish real friendships with their counterparts in a protected, monitored, exclusive Members Only Club environment. It is our goal to build an international, sincere, friendship base within this environment while we discuss topics related to our professional lives and personal lifestyle changes as married or single professional women.

In addition, establishing a friendship base across the globe will be beneficial in closing the culture gaps and transition downtimes on new international appointments for all types of professional women, whether it be Corporate, Government, Diplomatic or non-Profit positions.

Membership is by application only and if you would like to join the club despite the age group specified, you are most welcomed. Love to have you.

We already have a number of issues for discussion and would welcome any others you would like to discuss with friends in the Club. It's going to be fun. We're not needing to hold back. The purpose of friendship is to build trust.

Let all your friends know so that we can have a great, varied group to share and chat with as we develop our friendships.


Please joint us via the forum selecting the tab for "GROUPS" then the "DISCUSSIONS" tab and AT THE LEFT COLUMN you will see our LOGO with the Club Name or reach us:

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If you have any questions or have difficulty finding us on the forum, don't hesitate to contact me. Looking forward to seeing you there.

Warm Regards,

World Forum

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