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STORY TELLING: The Golden City and the Life Ring


STORY TELLING: The Golden City and the Life Ring

As you know, i do story telling, it is my new hobby, and i did some time tell stories around a fire or in a hut in the middle of the forest, I made also few videos that i have been sharing online, where i tell few stories.

I recetly shared some information on security issues and corrupted business behaviour i have been exposed to, and thought i would tell a story:

Story telling by L.D. Maldonado Fonken.
Story created by L D Maldonado Fonken

"Traveler, visitor, remember that gold is beautiful, but more beautiful and power-full is the state of consciousness, behavior, perception, wisdom and awareness that holds the manifestation of gold. That state cannot be possesed, neither transformed, nor seduced, nor manipulated, nor conquered, nor re-educated, nor destroyed, nor limited, nor pushed, nor threathed."

The golden travelers always told this stories at the places they did arrive, and said: "Somes times, it is better, if you like something, to become what you love, instead of destroying it by trying to posses it. Because maybe ones, you will find a golden city, a golden man, a golden woman, a golden artefact, you will never become able to posses; and that day, will be the start of your end."

How to read/listen/see the story
First listen by yourself.

Find out your own way to perceive the meaning of the story and how this could apply to your own "reality".

Then, intent to be free of your own perception and look for more possibilities.

Notice if there are some possibilities you are unable or unwiling to perceive. Ask yourself why?

Then, read the following explanations about the video and the story. If any available.

For private advice, send me an IN-Message

What are stories?
In the stories we find a truth that unvails itself along a reading/hearing/seeing/listening experience".

The Stories I have designed to show you a mirror of a situation that "probably" is taking now place in your own reality, your own inner reality, in your own time dimension, or developing to your own future, or happening at the house of your neighbors.

These Stories are dedicated to challenge your ability to perceive many possibilities and take responsibility regards your own life story, the story you create yourself.


The story of the golden city, the visitor that wanted to posses it and the green ring of life by L.D. Maldonado Fonken

".... Long time ago, at a country that have never been and always is, a man/woman visitor of this country, its regions and cities, was walking into a new city, and did enjoy the city, because this man/woman found it beautiful and powerfull. In his/her own mind, this man/woman decided would be a great experience to posses such a beautiful city with all it citizens and services and future.

So this man/woman decided to access to the government of this city and take over it. First did enrole as student of a city management school, but realized the study pathway was too long, and wanted to posses the city now.

Then, decided to create a political party, and promote new ideas about how to manage the city, but as the city and their citizens did live with awareness of self organization and nature inteligence didnt need such kind of new ideas.

Then, this man/woman decided that the citizens of the city were stupid as they followed a governement that didnt let them to try new ideas, so this man/woman started to build up/ Train youth against the governement, and to atack the government, trying to explain: this government was a dictatorship with a mask of advanced political strategies.

Any way, as every one in this city did already live an learned about sustainable living, and the governement was based in self organization and self determination, no one followed such kind of obscure rebelion.

The man/woman at this point felt tottaly unhappy as noticed could not yet posses the city. Then, decided the only way to posses the city was with love, so he/she looked for the governor of the city and seduced him/her, and became his/her lover.

In that way, decided this man/woman that wanted to possses the city and their citizens, he/she will have total influence over the governement of the city and their citizens, by possesing the governor.

Well, the story still continues, as the governor of this city was educated as sacred lover, and would only bring expressions of love in a sacred union to his/her life, and there for nourish with that source its city and support from that source of life its citizens.

Well, the man /woman that wanted to posses the city, did find out that as a lover still could not achieve its goal to posses the city and its citizens, as could not posses the governor.

So, he/she decided to create a neighbor city in order to show how this city and its citizens they had a great trouble and were not right in their own ways, decided to show in his/her own city "the right way" to do the things, to manage the development of the city and to care for the citzens (in other words, his/her point of view).

So this man/woman that intented to posses the original city in that region, builded its own in order to establish a long term relationship with the golden city.

As many years did pass, and these two neigbhors cities did develop, came a time in which the city of the man/woman that try to posses the golden city did grow up alot, and rounded the golden city.

In following years the new hugh city intent to absorve the golden city, produced war, sent terrorists, intented to create resources problems, and finnancial probelms, introduced drugs to the original city and all kind of sicknesses.

Because this man/woman that decided to posses the golden city did argue that the golden city was weak, and there for needed a new government.

But the golden city was self sustained and lived in a sustainble way, so it kept own territory growing in a natural way, never producing more than what was needed, and never affected by all the problems the new city that was rounding them intented to create over them.

Many years and generations did pass, the citizens of the original city did manage to live longer than ever, and kept developing in their own ways.

But the citizens of the hugh city (created by the man/woman that wanted to posses the golden city) learned the ways of their grounder and governor, and kept following with that behavior. After many years their city developed many social, resources, health problems, and started to die as a city.

The city created by the man/woman that wanted to posses the golden city became a hugh circular grey city, rounding with a hugh grey region the orignal golden city.

This hugh grey city after some generations did die, and self destroy.

At that point in time, the citizens of the golden city utilized the rest of the new city as recycling materials and transformed its hugh region in a park, a natural recycled reserve, where nature will one more time take over its own territory, rounding with natural care the golden city, but at this time, with a hugh history, with marks that will remind every new visitor of events of the past, the history of the golden city and the man/woman that wanted to posses it.

At every entrance to this new green region, that ring rounding the golden city, will be found following advice:

"Traveler, visitor, remember that gold is beautiful, but more beautiful and power-full is the state of consciousness, behavior, perception, wisdom and awareness that holds the manifestation of gold. That state cannot be possesed, neither transformed, nor seduced, nor manipulated, nor conquered, nor re-educated, nor destroyed, nor limited, nor pushed, nor threathed."

In this way the golden city and its citizens created a monument, "the green ring of life" around their golden city, to remind the world that visit it about the power of time, nature, and the sad story of the man/woman that wanted to posses the golden city, and the sad story of his/her followers.

Since the first visit of the man/woman that wanted to posses the city, since the date he/she did enrole in the School of golden city managers, until the openning of "the green ring of life" around the golden city, after the self destruction of the grey city; many many golden city management students achieved the necessary skills and knowledge to ground, design, create, lead their own golden cities.

Along the time the man/woman that wanted to posses the golden city did struggle with his/her intent, many students of the golden city did complete their qualifications as golden city managers and received the necessary resources to ground their own cities.

The man/woman that wanted to posses the original golden city spend 100s of years in its intent, while the golden city students only needed 9 years to become ready to start own city, 9 years to build a new city and 9 years to enjoy the gold state of joy of the golden city. After the year 27, the new golden cities dedicated to gain more knowledge and wisdom, and support its motivated young citizens become leaders and to travel to new regions and ground new golden cities all around the country.

The golden travelers always told this stories at the places they did arrive, and said: "Somes times, is better, if you like something, to become what you love, instead of destroying it by trying to posses it. Becouse maybe ones, you will find a golden city, a golden man, a golden woman, a golden artefact, you will never become able to posses; and that day, will be the start of your end."

Copyright by LD Maldonado Fonken

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