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The Happiness Survey 2021: How Happy Are Our Ambassadors and Consuls?

Ever wondered who is behind all the amazing events and activities you get to attend? From in-person activities in your community to Global Events that take place online, our Ambassadors and Consuls have done an incredible job continuously holding our 420 communities together, through thick and thin. If you’re intrigued about hosting events with InterNations, read on to find out how their past year has gone, and maybe you’ll want to try it yourself!

In an effort to find out how happy our Ambassadors and Consuls are within their roles, gather feedback on how they have felt over the past year, and to continuously improve, we put out our 4th annual Happiness Survey. Our survey was live throughout June 2021 and we heard back from 1,054 Ambassadors and Consuls.

It doesn’t go without notice that our Ambassadors and Consuls navigated a difficult year and a half when it came to hosting, and for that, we deeply thank them for all the effort, time, and patience they put into planning get-togethers that allowed everyone to stay connected.

With that being said — drum roll please! — this year’s happiness index is 72%! We are glad to know that despite the challenging year, the majority of our Ambassadors and Consuls are happy and satisfied in their role, but we wanted to dig deeper into some areas of improvement. Apart from the index that reflected their feelings over the past year, we gained some important insights on what to implement, how to support our Ambassadors and Consuls better, which communication methods they prefer, and much more.

Survey Findings

The survey provided insights into six dimensions that helped us understand their experience with InterNations in depth. 

Identification with InterNations: 85% of the Ambassadors and Consuls who took the survey are familiar with the InterNations mission and vision and can identify with those goals themselves.

Community & Team Spirit: 84% feel welcome and appreciated by InterNations members in their community, and 78% of all respondents feel welcome in their respective communities and value the opportunities for collaboration and exchange with their peers.

Support & Communication: 70% of those who took part in the survey are highly satisfied with the quality and helpfulness of the everyday support and communication they receive from headquarters. Moreover, the majority think that this support and feedback are provided in a timely and friendly manner.

Motivation & Recognition: 70% of respondents are overall happy in their roles and satisfied with the personal value, benefits, and recognition they get from being Ambassadors and Consuls

Product Experience: 78% of respondents are satisfied with their experience with the InterNations website. However, only 53% share the same opinion when it comes to the InterNations app. Thanks to this survey, though, we have collected helpful insights about potential features and ways to improve the overall user experience. We value this feedback as we work to improve our product and make the overall experience better.

Learning & Development: only 63% of the respondents feel that the learning and support materials we provide are helpful. We received a lot of comments and suggestions in this section! Going forward, we will use this feedback to improve and to help our Ambassadors and Consuls to grow and develop further in their roles.

Try it for yourself!

Do you connect with our mission and have a passion for bringing people together? Take on a vital role in our community and turn a walk in the park into a chance to meet other expats and create lasting memories.

Through the Happiness Survey, we learned that the biggest motivation for taking on an Ambassador or Consul role include meeting new people, connecting members, sharing a passion, and making a difference in the community — does this sound like something you’re itching to do?

Learn more about what it takes and how you can get involved in your community.

We once again thank our Ambassadors and Consuls who share their efforts with our members to create a strong and lively community. We appreciate all the time and effort that goes into every activity and event you host and hope to see you taking part for many years to come!

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